What is the current (2021 – present) rockweed lawsuit about?
The current legal case involves two sets of plaintiffs and two sets of defendants.
A. PLAINTIFFS: The beach owners, and the rockweed harvesters.
B. DEFENDANTS: The beach owners, and the rockweed owners.
One rockweed defendant, Dr. Seeley, was sued for speaking out to landowners about the 2019 Ross decision.
The other rockweed defendants were sued because they contacted Marine Patrol to either question or report that their rockweed was taken without permission.
On October 10, 2024: video of oral arguments at Maine Supreme Court.
June 2024: Plaintiffs appealed to the Maine Supreme Court (legal documents).
Charges against all the rockweed defendants except one were dismissed in April 2022 as a SLAPP lawsuit. The final rockweed landowner family had their case dismissed as well.